Us at the "Gut"

Us at the "Gut"

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oct 31st 2009

Well it was a crappy day weather wise, but Patty and I managed to get a lot completed. We were able to get the ridge board and rafters on...
As well as 90% of the roofing:
And most of the walls, except were the door will be:
Here is an inside shot if the loft:

Patty reminding me that I should not leave the hammer on the ladder (yes it did hit her in the head ;()

We got the jeep stuck, and while we were trying to get it out a broken sapling poked me in the eye... not pleasant, but not as bad as it looks:
Me in a culvert :)... how many times do you get this opportunity?

The dogs... they love it up there:

Really happy with the cabin now... I get back up there soon and get the rest if the roof completed as well as the gable ends...
Still learning a lot but enjoying every minute of it Smiley

Friday, October 30, 2009

Oct 29th 2009

I managed to get over to the property to do some work on the cabin. All and all a great afternoon, I was able to "tidy" up a lot of stuff.

Some windows I was able to pick up for free:
Picture from the loft facing north west:

Picture from the loft facing south west:
Picture from the loft facing south east:

Picture from the ravine looking up at the cabin:
Lilly wondering what the heck I am doing up there!!


The next trip up to the cabin will likely see some sheathing go on the building. Most of the materials are up there to complete the cabin at this point.
All and all its going well, certainly have learned a lot about building a cabin in the woods, so things should be easier the next time around lol...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Oct 25th 2009


 Well this week I have learned a lot (which I am sure is never enough) about rafters. We have decided on a 8/12 roof with gable ends (thanks to easy rafters Smiley).
 I ended getting 42 4x4 OSB sheets and 50 2x4x8 for $120 (reclaimed from a wedding dance floor).... should be enough wood to finish the project I hope.
Oct 24th I was able to get started on cutting rafters, spacers for the walls and floor, and loft support. Tomorrow (weather permitting) we hope to get up to the cabin and get the roof on, as well as clean up a few other things that need to be done. I hope to have pictures for you all soon of that progress...

Total $ to date - $178.85

Well the other things took up more time than expected. We did get a lot of the wood delivered up to the property that we need to get it closed in before the snow flies:

Truck loaded up:
We put spacers in the floor and walls as you can see here:

We also added wood to attached the floor to when it gets fastened down.
We started to put the loft in, but we soon decided that we should get the walls sheathed in. We ran out of time for that, but here is where the "cabin" stands as we left it..

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oct 16th and 17th 2009

After searching the internet and finding this site, we have been in tiny cabin mode lol... We have decided on a 10X10 cabin with loft for our first stab at this. The dream gets bigger, but no need to share that now.
I have been using kijiji and other resources to "gather" my supplies over the summer. The pile was getting quite large so I thought it was time to start the cabin.
I loaded up some stuff and headed up to the property in hopes to get a good start. I think that I did :)...

Patty and I returned on the 17th to get the walls started and up. The floor is 16" centers and the walls will be 24" centers. All the wood that you see so far as been reclaimed from other projects. The floor was from a deck that we disassembled and the wall 2x4's were in a free pile on the side of the road...

We left will all 4 walls standing and supported. A great day :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 11 th 2009

Patty and I went up to the property to enjoy the fall colours and to play around on the ATV's. It was a fun day and it really started the process of the cabin...
